General Info Rules & Policies

Thank you for choosing Red River Valley Athletics!  Please take a few minutes to review the following rules and procedures for RRVA and feel free to reach out with any questions!

Registration Fee:

An annual registration fee of $25 is charged for all families enrolled at RRVA. This registration fee is charged each year with the September tuition or at the time of registration. Families who enroll for summer, but have not participated in the school year session, will be charged a $15 registration fee.


Families are responsible for paying monthly tuition at RRVA. Tuition costs shown are based on a 4 week month and may be prorated up or down based on the number of classes offered each month. 

Tuition at RRVA is processed on the 1st or 9th of each month.  All families are required to have a credit card on file for tuition payments. If you enroll after the 9th, your card will be processed at the time of registration for the prorated tuition amount and the registration fee. 

If payment has not been made by the 15th of the month classes and practices will be suspended until the account is fully paid. Families with unpaid accounts at the end of the month will be dropped from their classes at RRVA.

Late Fees:

A late fee of $20 will be applied to all unpaid accounts on the 11th of each month.

Withdrawal Policy:

RRVA requires a 2 week, paid, notice if you choose to withdraw from classes before the end of the session. Notice can be given by stopping by the front desk or emailing  Once you have given your 2 weeks notice, your account will be prorated for the remaining 2 weeks or refunded if tuition has already been collected.

Absences, Canceled Classes & Weather Closures:

Red River Valley Athletics does not offer refunds or credits for missed classes. Instead, a make-up class can be scheduled. Preschoolers, who have not yet been enrolled in Kindergarten, may attend a Preschool Open Gym in place of a make-up class.

If RRVA must close due to inclement weather, any missed classes are eligible for a make up class. Refunds and credits are not offered for classes canceled due to weather conditions.

  • Weather related closures will be communicated by email, as well as posted on our social media accounts.

If RRVA must cancel your class due to lack of instructor availability, a credit will be placed on your account and that class is not eligible for a make up.

  • Canceled classes will be communicated by email and phone call. 

Make-Up Classes:

Make-up classes can be scheduled through your parent portal or by calling/stopping by the front office. Make-up classes must be scheduled for the current session and do not carry over to the next session. If your child does not attend a scheduled make-up class, that class will be forfeited. Make-up classes cannot be rescheduled. 

Preschoolers, who have not yet been enrolled in Kindergarten, may attend a Preschool Open Gym in place of a make-up class. 

** In order to schedule make-up classes, children must be currently enrolled.  All available make-up classes are forfeited upon withdrawal from RRVA. **

Preschool Parent & Tot Classes:

Ants, Bumblebees, and Caterpillars classes at RRVA are parent & tot classes. Please be sure that one parent is available to participate in class with your child each week. Due to limited space, we ask that only one parent participate in class. Others are welcome to watch and cheer on your child from the parent viewing areas in the gym!


Children enrolled in classes at RRVA should wear tight fitting, athletic clothing.  Leotards are appropriate for gymnastics classes, but not required.  Please, NO loose fitting clothing such as dresses, skirts, sweatshirts, oversized t-shirts. Loose clothing can become caught in the equipment or fly up and cover an athlete's face leading to unsafe conditions. Jewelry and watches are not allowed to be worn during classes.

Injury or Extended Illness:

If a child sustains an injury or is medically unable to participate in classes at RRVA for an extended amount of time, a doctor’s note that states the child is not able to participate can be submitted to receive credit for any missed classes.  If credit is issued, those classes are not eligible for a make-up class.


Pro-Shop items cannot be charged to your RRVA account. You may use the card on file to pay for your apparel, but items will be charged at the time of purchase.  

Healthy Choice: 

A small variety of snacks are available to purchase at the front desk.  Athletes with parent permission may charge snacks to their account, up to $20, each month.  Once a Healthy Choice balance reaches $20, the card on file will be charged. If the balance of snacks charged remains under $20, then they will be charged along with the monthly tuition.